Hello All,
Tin House's Spring theme issue is OFF THE GRID. We're looking for fiction, poetry, and nonfiction by or about people or institutions that function (or don't function) out of the bounds of "normal" society. For the "Lost & Found" section we are looking for brief appreciations of texts written outside of conventional publishing--prison, exile, mental institutions, in secret. The deadline is November 1, but please submit before then as the issue will get crowded early. Feel free to email me submissions or queries, or see http://www.tinhouse.com/mag/mag_submit.htm for further guidelines.
All best,
Michelle Wildgen
Senior Editor, Tin House Magazine/Editor, Tin House Books
"...we are looking for brief appreciations of texts written outside of conventional publishing--prison, exile, mental institutions, in secret."
I'm not even sure what the hell this means.
No. But isn't "brief appreciations" pretty?
In fact in my next assignment for the kids I think I'm going to start the prompt with:
For essay #2 I expect you to pen a brief appreciation of the chapter in which Anne Elliot and the "unconsciously constant" Captain Wentworth are reconciled.
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