Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Adventure Journey

I'm very excited today because the online publication that had been putting up with my serialized, non-chronological thought experiment, "Episodes," is back online. Adventure Journey had stopped publishing in January and I was worried it was gone forever. In the interim the editors have completely re-imagined it from an online magazine format to an online community (like MySpace). And it actually looks very cool. Check out my episodes of Episodes at

I'm also excited because I just found out they're making my favorite Stephen King story, "The Mist," into a movie. All I can say is finally. Speaking as someone who taught a DeCal class on Stephen King ("as horror author and pop-culture phenomenon"), this story sums up what is best about King, i.e. his nihilistic/apocalyptic yet homespun sense of American culture in the age of malls and the military industrial complex. Check out the preview.


xtian said...

"the mist" is one of my fave king novella's with some of his most unsettling imagery ever and i HAD high hopes until that trailer -- darabont can't just film the story, suddenly there's all sorts of pompousizing and pumped up feeling when all we really need to see is one of those leathery spider creatures attacking people.

we shall see but that trailer is a bust.

Benjamin Russack said...

ooo fog and tentacles.

Sounds chinese.