Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Groop Speaks Out

So, we're sitting here in the actual writing group. Yes, some of us actually meet in the real world still and discuss each other's fiction. Imagine. And we thought we would post. We're thinking of all of you who couldn't make it tonight. Hope you're doing well. Tonight we (Nick, Jen, Jeremy, Ben) workshopped Ben's story, The Purple Witch, and we made it better. Of course.

We also ate Zachary's pizza and drank Cabernet Sauvignon ... and gossiped. Because that's what groop is all about.

By the way, Roxy looks like a hound dog. She is our mascot.


Ella C. Rotta said...

Send me photos of Roxy and I will post them to the site! By the way, if anyone wants changes or additions, feel free to email them to me. If they seem like controversial changes, I will defer to the groop advisory board, i.e. the people that meet in the flesh.

Jen said...

Are we all editors of this blog? i.e. if I were to get super-tech savvy and actually attempt to post a roxy pic on my own, am I set up with the right access to be able to do that?? (Not to be a control freak about it, but well, I'm a control freak.)