Sunday, September 14, 2008

Welcome New Member / Solutions to Writer's Block

I probably shouldn't say anything until we find out if he really does plan to return, but it looks as if we have a new member. Okay, now I won't say anything more, but the reviews are in and it's good.

I will invite him to contribute to the blog just as soon as I remember the administrator's password. Does anyone have it? I've totally lost it and the password to the email address too, which means I have to call AT&T and that will be just a barrel of monkeys.

I also have to add Nami Mun's new book to the sidebar. Have you all seen her dishy promotion photographs? In Christian's words, she looks HAWT. If that doesn't sell books...

A note on writer's block. There are several ways to solve it. Here are two ideas:

1. Attend groop and ask Nick what to do.

2. Make a several-hundred dollar bet with a friend. The bet is that you won't be able to write 50 pages in a month. Send the check in advance. Your friend cashes it if she doesn't see the pages.

Jen and I will report back on which works better. So far, Jen's solution, #2, seems to be winning.

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