While we are basking in the literary glory that is Nami, please people, let's not forget SKIDOO.
A few years back I was interviewed by film historian Foster Hirsch who was writing an Otto Preminger bio for Random House. He heard about my obssession and we met and I waxed SKIDOO for posterity. Lo and behold, "Otto Preminger: The Man Who Would Be King" is out at bookstores everywhere...right Nick? And yes, I get a healthy page to my compressed observations. It's odd to see yourself quoted with such finality as I would have amended some thoughts. But it's all good. And the book is a great read.
The LA Times reviewed it and the reviewer is a SKIDOO fan of course: http://www.killfee.net/
Nick, phone?
I have the book, yes.
Have the sold the book, yes.
Knew you were in it, no.
Will sell more now, yes.
Xtian, you BELONG in the history books. well done.
I love having famous friends.
It makes me feel cool.
Where's the hot french nanny?
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