Monday, July 28, 2008

White People Like Writer's Workshops!

From the blog Stuff White People Like:

"It’s no secret. White people want to be writers. Why wouldn’t they? Work 10 hours a week from a country house in Maine or England. Get called a genius by other white people, and maybe get your book made into a film." ... more


Jen said...

hilarious. and particularly apt given that I'm off to squaw in about 2 days. heehee.

Benjamin Russack said...

i wonder if white people have a harder or easier time getting published. Is there a bias? Laura?

Ella C. Rotta said...

I think publishers are looking for interesting people with interesting biographies, a story they can promote. A lot of it has to do with zeitgeist--following a general interest in stories from parts of the community or the world that are in the news. Good writing is important, but hitting a pulse may actually be more important. I think this is how race most plays into a publishing decision.